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Boat Ramp Policies

The East Blue Hill Village Improvement Association owns and maintains the facilities at the village park and boat launch area. Fees collected are used to maintain and improve the ramp, access road, and the parking area, and to support the activities of the VIA. Users who keep their boats at the ramp or use the ramp during the season must register their watercraft and pay ramp fees.


General Rules Associated With Use of the Park and Ramp


Please be advised that use of the park and harbor ramp are entirely at YOUR OWN RISK and EBHVIA assumes NO LIABILITY for any property kept, left at or maintained at the town park. You are responsible for making certain that your property is kept in a safe location.


All dinghies and kayaks kept at the village park must have and exhibit a current sticker. Any boats or watercraft of any kind left at the park that do not display a current valid EBHVIA sticker will be considered abandoned, unclaimed or mislaid property and removed by EBHVIA from the park for safety reasons and to reduce obstruction and congestion.


Property removed from the park for failure to display current use stickers can be retrieved by contacting the EBHVIA and paying storage costs permitted by law. Maine law governing abandoned property will apply and EBHVIA assumes no liability for this property. Storage fees for unregistered or non-complying watercraft or other property (boat trailers, vehicles, equipment, etc.) will be imposed based on a current schedule of $5.00 per each linear foot of boat, trailer or property length/ per day or as may otherwise be charged by commercial storage companies. By your signature below agreeing to the rules imposed by EBHVIA, you authorize EBHVIA to remove any property left at the EBHVIA park and ramp facilities that does not comply with EBHVIA rules stated here and which will be treated as abandoned property.



  1. Please park only on the designated gravel parking area. Please do not park on the grass or drive on it, especially in wet conditions. If the designated parking area is occupied, please park on the street.

  2. Please keep kayaks/dinghies as far back from ramp as possible to avoid damage from vehicles backing down the ramp!

  3. No boats on trailers may be left overnight at the park.


  1. Outhaul placement must be approved by the Ramp Committee. Outhauls and dinghies must not block the ramp or the approach to the ramp.

  2. Outhauls must be to the north of the ramp (right side facing the water.) Please take care in placing your outhaul (once approved) so that dinghies do not drift over the launching area.


All dinghies and kayaks must be removed from the Park from NOVEMBER 30th through APRIL 1st. Items left after November 30 will be removed from the Park and can be retrieved by contacting EBHVIA with payment of towing and storage fees.


There will be be no commercial use of the Park and its facilities unless approved by the EBHVIA.


For the purpose of clearly establishing residency in East Blue Hill Village, the village boundary is defined as "Friends Corner,” (East Blue Hill Rd. and Woods Point Lane, including Esther Wood’s house) east to the Surry line on Morgan Bay Road.



Annual fees for residents of East Blue Hill Village:

Pre-Approved Commercial Outhaul $100

Pre-Approved Recreational Outhaul $75

Commercial Use $75
Recreational use (dinghy/kayak stored on shore) $30.00 per boat
Seasonal ramp use (no boat storage) $15.00
Day use - $5.00 per day suggested donation


Annual fees for non-residents of East Blue Hill Village:

Pre-Approved Commercial Outhaul $200

Pre-Approved Recreational Outhaul $150

Commercial Use $150
Recreational use (dinghy/kayak stored on shore) $50.00 per boat
Seasonal ramp use (no boat storage) $30.00
Day use - $5.00 per day suggested donation


Thank you for your part in keeping the park as wonderful as it is!   (I.e., please do not litter or empty your ashtray at the park!)

In order to use the EBH Boat Ramp you need to; sign a waiver (click here), register your boat (click here) and pay ramp fees (click below).
Click Here to Pay Ramp Fees for Residents

Click Here to Pay Ramp Fees for Non-Residents

©2019 by East Blue Hill, Maine 04614

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