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Feb. 2023:  Treasurer’s Report

EBH VIA Monthly Meeting

Dear VIA members:  With this report, I provide a look at income and expenses in Jan. 2023, including our attached Profit and Loss (PnL) statement covering the month of January.    I am looking forward to seeing everyone at this month’s meeting!

Past Month Overview

  • Income:  In January, we received $812.38 in income.  This includes $600 in a cash donation ($500 of which was to cover the Holiday Gift baskets), $130 in food sales, and $82.38 in uncategorized income, which reflects the return of a mistaken credit card use (we cancelled and reissued the VIA debit card after this).     

  • Expenses:  Our January expenses totaled $1,682.86, which includes $642.18 for Founders Hall maintenance, $4.17 for Founders Hall propane, $450 for taking down a tree around FH, $47.31 for Founders Hall electric and $19.25 for PO electric.  

Account Balances 

  • On 01/31/2022, our bank accounts totaled $47,220.57, with $31,377.26 in the money market account and $15,843.31  in checking.  

2023 Draft Budget

Also attached is a draft 2023 VIA budget, which shows 2022 actual expenses and proposed 2023 expenses.  You will see from this budget that with no major projects, we should end up around $3,000 in the black.

Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions.  

Cheers, Jeanne Jennings    202-413-3215

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